Samantha Lewis Pirates Writing A Book About Vampires?

Writing a book about Vampires? - samantha lewis pirates

Ok, I'm beginning to write a book about vampires, but not exactly like the dawn. The coolest child to school, Tucker is a vampire, and no one knows. Then the dorkiest child to school, will not find a name, but is also a vampire. But nobody knows. Pay attention to the case at all? Well, I'll preface my Put here, and I want your honest opinion about him. Here:
Prologue --
"Hey Sam, I can show you something?" I asked Samantha Lewis, my day. We were on our way to my GT3 Audi After eating dinner at Pepper, the best French restaurant in the city.
"Of course, Tucker."
"You do not know what even before you?" I was scared, crying and receive from the state, as my last day Blankovich Whitney has. Of course I had to erase their memory first. But this is not the problem, again to Samantha.
"No, I trust you."
"Okay." Well, I need you back a few meters, just in case. We do not want to hurt anyone here, you have now? " I smiled my "completelypathetic smile, "like all the girls named in the school.
"Uh ... ok."
When we got there, I thought of my mother, ex-boyfriend, Jerry. He hit so many times that eventually a member of the Conference of the Parties on this issue. Thank God. Then it happened. I changed the way my skin is pale and I know that my teeth are growing in the second. I watched Samantha surprised expression. Oh, no. It was a big mistake, I already knew.

Ok, as you? If you have any suggestions that you think help to make it better, is more than welcome to bring them here. I just want to know if you think it is a good start and if you think I have some options. Thank you for your help!



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