Pregnancy After Ovarian Cyst How Does An Ectopic Pregnancy And Ovarian Cyst Affect A Home Pregnancy Test?

How does an ectopic pregnancy and ovarian cyst affect a home pregnancy test? - pregnancy after ovarian cyst

Two weeks ago I had my first and still feel cramps mainly on the left side. I feel tired. And my time is getting late, 7 days. But I took 4 pregnancy tests in the last 3 days and they are all negative, I'm not in my school's current focus is within the pillow. My last period was on 9 September


Mother to bella summer said...

If you are really worried go to the doctor and get it, you can check to be sure. You can by a blood test, and they are usually very accurate. It would be stressed about it again until you know if you are pregnant or not. Cramps during pregnancy is not always something bad happens. Even if you have a tubal pregnancy, which would be terrible in a lot of stomach pain and frequent bleeding. but check with your doctor to be sure. Good luck.

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