Making Energy Bars What's The Difference Between Energy Bars And Protein Bars?

What's the difference between energy bars and protein bars? - making energy bars

I go hiking and I make my own bar, I saw on YouTube a recipe, but it is a protein bar and I do not know if it's the same thing.


Máire Siobhán said...

Carbohydrates, energy bars are usually very high. They provide quick energy. Things, protein bars are usually meal replacement type. They provide energy, but much slower release. When I went hiking, take a little of both. They have protein bars for a meal, then a snack-bar energy.

Remember your water!

dude_in_... said...

Energy bars are more quickly used primarily carbohydrates, and explosions of energy, while the protein bars, or after a meal.

MBlessed (SOC) said...

Read the labels. Think about what you need, when you eat. Carbohydrates for quick energy, protein to rebuild muscles after a workout again.

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