Pacific Trawler Is It Possible To Clean Up The Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch That Is The Size Of Texas?

Is it possible to clean up the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch that is the size of Texas? - pacific trawler

I hear talk about it in the media are now much more. Every article I read), talks about the size of the revision of the waste (plastics, nets, even an old teddy bear, making the damage to the plastics and chemicals into the underwater world ... But no one says that it is still possible to clean this mess?

The United Nations could not claim to help people and to pay trawlers sweep the rubbish and take to landfill sites for the earth? I know it's a big problem, but why no one talks about cleaning?


whsgreen... said...

This is a battle without end. Much of the rest is very low, and it would be difficult to collect. The cost would be unimaginable opportunities for a country you want to contribute in the field without any evidence or to ensure that evidence that is harmful to their existence, they are expected to jump. It would then be asked where to install it, plastics are toxic when broken down and landfill space is limited, not to mention transportation costs.

At this point, I think we can all do, it will be adopted as a reason for the legislation to reduce our excessive consumption of plastics, better opportunities for sales and investments available in Plastic toxic alternatives.

whsgreen... said...

This is a battle without end. Much of the rest is very low, and it would be difficult to collect. The cost would be unimaginable opportunities for a country you want to contribute in the field without any evidence or to ensure that evidence that is harmful to their existence, they are expected to jump. It would then be asked where to install it, plastics are toxic when broken down and landfill space is limited, not to mention transportation costs.

At this point, I think we can all do, it will be adopted as a reason for the legislation to reduce our excessive consumption of plastics, better opportunities for sales and investments available in Plastic toxic alternatives.

Nata T said...

No, his lie. The theory is that if we all waste into the sea and is spread only 1 thick layer that comes close to the size of Texas. This means that if we all bubble bath after swimming in the bathtub, which would be the same relative size of Texas.

So take a bath ever, since the amount of pollution leading to this same scam on a relative basis.

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